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Introduction Course Art History

Discover the world of art in a relaxed setting with an enthusiastic art historian as your guide.

The Introduction to Art History course offers a wonderful insight into the history of Western art. During a series of ten lectures and a visit to a museum you will be presented with a chronological overview of the most important movements in the history of art. A total of 11 course sessions, one of which will be conducted as an excursion.

The tutor Carien Kanters will teach you how to analyse and compare what you see, so by the end of the series of lectures you yourself will be able to identify different styles and periods. The lectures will focus on the defining features of a particular style. Considerable attention will also be devoted to individual artists and their work. Discover the world of art in a relaxed setting with an enthusiastic art historian as your guide.

Periods covered during the course:

17-09-2018: Greek Art
24-09-2018: Roman Art
01-10-2018: Early Christian and Byzantine Art
08-10-2018: Romanesque Art
15-10-2018: Gothic Art
22-10-2018: No Lecture
29-10-2018: Renaissance Art
05-11-2018: Baroque and Rococo Art
12-11-2018: Neoclassicism and Romanticism
19-11-2018: Impressionism, Post-Impressionism and Symbolism
26-11-2018: Modern Art
03-12-2018: Excursion

A few days before the course starts you will receive a free digital syllabus. When registering you can also order a printed copy for € 11,95 (including postage). You will receive the syllabus by mail a few days before the course starts.

(This does not include any entrance fees that may apply if the course is taught at a museum. A 'Museumkaart' is recommended)

Praktische informatie
Shopping cart icon € 248,00
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De Vrije Academie is voor iedereen met interesse in kunst, cultuur, architectuur, geschiedenis en filosofie.


Wij werken met de beste docenten en experts. Zo garanderen we onderwijs op niveau waar je jaren plezier van hebt.


We zijn een landelijk educatief instituut. De kans is groot dat we ook activiteiten bij jou in de buurt organiseren.

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