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Lecture: All the Rembrandts of the Rijksmuseum

Lecture by art historian Carien Kanters.

The Rijksmuseum marks the 350th anniversary of Rembrandt’s death in 2019 with ‘Year of Rembrandt’. The year-long celebration opens with All the Rembrandts (15 February to 10 June), in which the Rijksmuseum will present for the first time an exhibition of áll 22 paintings, 60 drawings and more than 300 best examples of Rembrandt’s prints in its collection. During the two hour lecture, art historian Carien Kanters will take you into Rembrandt's world. From his (self) portraits to the comprehensive collection of drawings. The lecture will focus on Rembrandt the artist, the man, the storyteller, the innovator. Furthermore your lecturer will supply answers to questions like: how did the Rijksmuseum obtain all these works by Rembrandt? What are current discussions or controversies about his work, and what do the latest restorations and research results tell us about this famous artist?

Please note: the lecture is in English. If you wish to attend this lecture in Dutch, please follow this link.

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Shopping cart icon € 32,50
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